Who does What,
Where (3W)
3W Database
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IAU Terms &
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The Who does What, Where (3W) database provides summary details
of organisation's project activities. Information, such as project titles and
descriptions, beneficiary types, funding,
project dates and locations on projects by UN
agencies and NGOs are included.
The purpose of the 3W is to facilitate
coordination between operational agencies to
minimise duplication of activities and to help
identify gaps in the provision of services. Thus
it is of especial benefit to the Sector Outcome
The 3W is available online from our
Login page although security requirements
prohibit public access to this secured
application. You
register and request access to 3W at the following levels:
- Browser Access (only aggregated
information, no project level or financial
information) – available to SOTs members and
information contributing organisations.
- Editor Access (all information) –
available to UNAMI-HRD and OCHA Iraq staff,
SOT Leads, SOT Deputies and SOT Supporting
- Editor access (your projects/sectors)
– available to information contributing
- No Access – if you do not meet
the requirements to have access to 3W
secured application, you can request a 3W
report via our requests form (www.iauiraq.org/support.asp)
For more information on the
procedure of applying for the IAU secured applications
access, please
refer to the
to Secured IAU Web Applications Protocol.
Manuals and Guidelines -
3W_User manual_v1.0 (pdf, 1,5 MB)
IAU EmergencyInfo is a database for
coordinating responses to emergencies in Iraq, developed in
response to the Sadr City and Basrah emergencies in 2008. It can
be accessed and updated 24/7 on the internet.
EmergencyInfo can be triggered for a
particular emergency either by the HC or the head of OCHA.
Sector Outcome Teams can identify and update the needs that
arise in an emergency and their responses to those needs. The
responses can be updated as they progress from the planning
stage to implementation.
EmergencyInfo is available online from our
Login page although security requirements
prohibit public access to this secured
application. You
register and request access to EmergencyInfo at the following levels:
- Browser Access – available to
UNAMI-HRD and OCHA Iraq staff or SOTs
- Editor Access (your
projects/sectors) – available to SOT
Leads, SOT Deputies and SOT Supporting
- Editor Access (all information)
– available to UNAMI-HRD and OCHA Iraq
For more information on the
procedure of applying for the IAU secured applications
access, please
refer to the
to Secured IAU Web Applications Protocol.
Manuals and Guidelines -
EmergencyInfo User manual_v1.0 (pdf, 0,8 MB)
Calendar of
Events The Calendar of Events contains details of General and Sector-specific meetings and
events.Calendar Of Events is available online from our
Login page although security requirements
prohibit public access to this secured
application. You
register and request access to Calendar of
Events at the following levels:
- Browser Access –
available to UN staff members or to
organizations which are SOT members.
- Editor Access (all
information) – available to SOT
Leads, SOT Deputies and SOT
Supporting Officers or to UNAMI-HRD
and OCHA Iraq staff.
For more information on the
procedure of applying for the IAU secured applications
access, please
refer to the
to Secured IAU Web Applications Protocol.